Does Your Team Need A Health Check?

The best teams are clear on their goals, priorities, roles, and expectations. Results flow from how they work together to make the decisions and agreements that fuel actions needed to produce the desired results.

Meanwhile, ineffective teams tend to chew up organizational resources and fail to produce what they were set up to achieve. The impact on team members is seen in the levels of disengagement and turn-over within an organization.

How does a team get to this point? Perhaps it is through a lack of desire to put in the focused work needed or maybe it is through a misunderstanding or lack of awareness about what is. How many team leaders and members of their teams are trained in what is needed in order to be able to work together successfully as a team? I know I wasn’t!

Before jumping into tackling any problems with your team, it is important to know where to start. You wouldn’t undertake a medical procedure without a secure diagnosis. There is too much at stake to jump in without a clear understanding of where the problem lies.

We can engage in all sorts of team building activities, but without being clear about the nature of the problems and what is needed to address them, these activities run the risk of being ineffective at best.

The Team Conversation Survey has now been used by over 80 different types and sizes of teams and across 5 continents. The survey helps teams focus on the conversations needed to transform their effectiveness, productivity, and communication.

To give you an insight into the value of the full survey, we have developed the Team Conversation Health Check, a complimentary resource available to all. The Team Conversation Health Check will help give you an idea of your team’s strengths and weaknesses. You can take the Team Conversation Health Check for free now, it only takes 2 minutes!

Once you have your results, I am happy to start a conversation about your team’s needs and to discuss whether the full Team Conversation Survey might be a valuable tool for your team.

Learn more

Richard works with leaders and teams seeking a performance edge. He can be reached at:

To get started on improving your team’s conversations, view Pathways of Growth’s current offerings.